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Signs of Life and Inspiration

What an inspiration Captain Tom Moore has been in raising over 35 million pounds and still climbing for the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. The original target was for a 1000 pounds to be raised. No doubt you saw him if you watch the evening news on his walker achieve 100 lengths of his garden to coincide with his 100th birthday later this month. His efforts are a positive good news story during this Covid 19 crisis. What a simple, one step at a time, loving act by a gracious elderly WW11 veteran. All out of gratitude and support for health workers on the front line. His determination and focus and the response of so many people to his cause clearly indicates the power of his gesture. He inspires in us all to respond in simple and loving ways, to look beyond ourselves and to have a heart for others.

Towards the end of our Gospel story taken from John 20:19-31 we heard that there were many other signs that Jesus worked, and the disciples saw, but they are not recorded in this book. Signs to inspire faith in him and to receive life through his name.

Jesus healed the sick, he conversed with outcasts, he forgave sinners, he performed miracles, he sacrificed his life and gifted his disciples with Easter peace, all signs of his life-giving presence which he continues to offer us through the Holy Spirit. These stories and events continue to inspire and arouse faith within us.

We heard that through the very breath of Christ the disciples received his Spirit. As disciples through baptism, his life-giving Spirit comes to us in so many ways including through the words and actions of others. Others like Captain Tom Moore.

Where have you noticed the life-giving presence of Christ today? How can you share that life-giving presence with those you live and connect with?

I thank God for my Marist community, for the meaningful conversations, stories and humour we share, for the effort and preparation of meals and caring for our house and home, our praying together, our support and encouragement of each other, our efforts at patience with one another during this lockdown period.

I thank God for the neighbours I see and say hello too from a distance, the occasional person that makes way for me and vice versa on the steps down to the park, the supermarket workers and the smiles and chats I have with them while putting the groceries into my bags. Just simple things but things that matter.

Given this last day of the Easter Octave, you may like to listen to Psalm 144 (Alleluia) from ‘Making Music to Your Name.’



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