In the Gospel today from Mark 12:38-44, Jesus is doing a little people watching.
He is all too aware of some scribes who like to be noticed and who seek places of honour. His language does not mince words when he describes these men as swallowing up the property of widows.
Jesus notices rich people and a poor widow too putting money into the treasury.
When you are out and about, perhaps sitting down having a coffee or walking up the street or visiting a mall who do you notice? Do you ever stop and talk or smile at someone you notice and wonder about their story?
It is not difficult to understand in today's Gospel where Jesus stands with the people he notices and the teaching he wants his disciples and his present day disciples to gain from what can be observed.
He doesn't want us to be standing on ceremony, seeking adulation and dining out on shallow self-importance. He looks to the heart and knows whether or not we are generous and genuine.
The poor widow who gave all she had into the coffers of the treasury gains his admiration because she gives her all from the very little she had in the first place. She should never have had to be in the position of having only 2 small coins which was all she had to live on. Why is she so destitute? It is implied that the system has feathered the nests of the scribes resulting in her poverty.
We are in no doubt whose side Jesus is on and whose side he wants us to be on and the kind of attitude he wants from us when it comes to our relationship with him. He wants our all.
May we see with the eyes and heart of Jesus.
You may wish to listen to 'Hear what our God asks of us' from 'Chants for Silence'.
Blessings on your week.
For those of you who use Spotify, I have a new album of 14 of my lastest recordings since, 'Light in the Lockdown', entitled 'Centred in God' being released on November 24th. You may wish to take a listen and I would be grateful if you could let others know that the music will be available on this streaming platform. It will not be available on my website at this stage.
Songs include, Words of love, Kiss the wars goodbye, Console your people, Centred in God, It would be enough, Matariki, I am the vine, you are the branches, Celebrate, Hata Maria, Only Jesus, E Maria, An angel came, Why can't we talk it over, The moon is full on our feast.