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A cup of water to drink

Today's scripture taken from Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 reminds me of an incident in Thailand visiting my confreres in Ranong. I have shared the song, 'There's a lot of love here' often with you.

The day was extremely hot and we visited a very poor Burmese Buddhist family. The song lyrics below explain what happened. I was deeply moved by the encounter and by a simple gesture of a cool drink given out of hospitality and love.

'If anyone gives you a cup of water to drink just because you belong to Christ, then I tell you solemnly, they will most certainly not lose their reward.'

Sitting on the floor in your simple home

Sipping a cool, cool drink

There’s a lot of love here

Conversations I don’t understand

But I hold a glass in my hand

There’s a lot of love here

Newspaper lines the walls

And I can see the ocean through the floor boards

A big man like me could easily fall through

And when I think of all that I have at home

Never satisfied like a dog without a bone

I see, there’s a lot of love all around me here

You share with me from the little you have

It makes me cry inside

Not because I’m feeling sad

But because you’ve touched my soul

There’s a lot of love here

Catching your eye as I turn to go

Seeing the warmth of your smile

There’s a lot of love here

Let’s open up our hearts to those special times

When moments of life break through

Coz there’s a lot of love here

Blessings on your week

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